
Big Trout Practice (Meadow Fishery, Chester)

It's nearing the birth of my first child, so fishing days are now at a premium. I've therefore escaped from work early with a mate who works in Chester to get a few hours trout fly fishing in. We normally fish Llyn Brenig in North Wales, but with no phone signal and a two hour drive home, it's been banned by the Mrs.

So we've picked somewhere nearer betwen us, Meadow Fishery in Mickle Trafford near Chester. Two of the three pools are open, but the wind is blowing a very cold howling gale and it's not going to be easy.

Neither of us have fished here before, so we go for the longer trek to the furthest pool, following the theory that it must get less attention and second cast I'm into a nice Rainbow of 2lbs which has taken an olive buzzer fished washing-line style. There are fish everywhere but most look like they've seen it all before. Two more fish of 1.5lbs and 2lbs fall to my dries though, a big sedge and a daddy, before we've had enough of the wind and move to the deeper pool near the shop.

Again, loads of fish but they're not having it and after only an hour, the cold wind dampens our enthusiasm and it's an early pack-up and a pint before making our way home.

I think once the baby arrives and I'm released from house arrest, I'm going to get a couple of days at a big trout venue to raise the bar on my Rainbow best, which is currently 5lbs. Until then it's back to nappy changing practice.

Mr Fish

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