
Big Carp Attempt No3 (Crabmill Flash)

A bad football injury to my foot has left me out of fishing action for a few weeks - City will probably only bid 10 mil for me now. I've had a late pass out and didn't have anything planned as regards target species so it's up at the crack of dawn and making it up as I go. Now that I'm a carp expert, it's off to Belmont Pool again for a few more twenty plusers !

Arriving at the Belmont complex at 7am, it's obvious that someone is giving away free money at 6am - the place is packed and the only free space is in the car park. Last minute change of plan then and it's off to Crabmill Flash, also on the Lymm Card.

Lovely place but I haven't got a clue when I get there - it's long and thin with a really inviting bay surrounded by bivvies. No idea what's in here so let's hedge my bets and go for carp and bream. Some serious bait goes in but all to no avail - it's red hot and only one bream (7-8lbs) has come out all day. There are fish all over the bait late on but nothing but liners for 12 hours - triffic...

Cliff, the helpful waterkeeper/Lymm Committee man fills me that it's a cat/bream water with a small head of carp. Might give the catfish a go in the Autumn. In the meantime, it's Blankety blank No.2 and back to the drawing board.

Mr Fish

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