
Big Grayling Attempt No 5 (River Dee)

Family life and far too much rain has delayed my latest attempt to break my Grayling PB and hopefully get over the 2lb, or even the 3lb barrier. I have managed to get a new boat up and running in the meantime though, which will make life easier when trying to improve on my coarse river species PBs when the season opens.

I'm still gutted at the fish that I managed to release 30 seconds before landing it last time on the Dee but, having given it further thought, I think I'm just playing them too hard on the predominantly braid rig I'm using. Same rig again today, but the drag's backed right off to try to stop pulling out of any better fish I can find...

It's a sunny day for a change and the river level is much lower than I expected. The old weed is dying off in the low water and there's quite a bit of turnover going on, with debris holding up in the slacks. I've gone for the same tactics as last time as they are the only ones that have worked so far in four attempts!

First few runs through the lies which produced last time and the flies are continually catching bottom in the slower flow. A lighter point fly quickly produces some plucks and a few salmon smolt take the Green Pea top dropper. Deeper water produces a nice grayling on a big Hydropsyche and a tiddler on a basic grey shrimp with an orange spot.

I keep working downstream through all the lies I fished last time until a big hatch of small olives with parr and small brownies rising furiously encourages me to drop anchor and run the team of czech nymphs through a few times. No immediate success but there must be grayling beneath the hatch; as there's more flies coming off than volcanic ash over an airport!

I have the feeling I'm going over their heads so put on the biggest bug I can find as the middle dropper. First cast and it's a very solid thump in response to the line stopping - bingo, I'm getting good at this game. It's one heck of a scrap with the drag on the Hardy Angel set at a minimum and a good current giving the big dorsal fin plenty of resistance to work with . Literally ten minutes of gentle playing later and a very good but angry male grayling is in the net. He promises to be PB number two, but the scales come up 2oz short at 1lb 6 oz.

Close, but no cigar.....and even worse the car radio tells me tories are having to try to do a deal with the Lib Dems - looks like we're all goosed for 10 years....

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