
Big Grayling Attempt No 5 (River Dove, Dovedale)

We’ve been on the hotel section of the River Dove today, which is well fished but has plenty of brown trout and some great grayling. It’s an even smaller river than the Wye in this stretch with most runs 2ft deep and a few pools perhaps going down to 4ft. The grayling are very large and if I can hook one, a new PB (currently 1lbs 8oz from the River Dee at Farndon) is on the cards. The only trouble is that I’ve fished the stretch four times before and know that the grayling are better educated than an Oxbridge graduate!

It’s been an enjoyable but not too eventful day, with a brace of brown trout on a grey klinkhammer and a big egg laying sedge being the ones landed amongst countless missed takes. There were quite a few PB grayling clearly on show but they just wouldn’t play ball, even despite 30 mins of dapping various dries from behind a tree over the head of a very big 2.5lb plus male sitting near to our bank. I’d been thinking about Czech nymphing and spider fishing some of the quicker sections for a while, so tried it later in the day but there’s just not enough flow for the nymphs and I’m not comfortable I know what I’m doing with the “Dog and Partridge” spiders I’ve bought recently.

Good fun day, but I’m already thinking I should be able to winkle a decent perch out of the Dee if I can get the boat set up right to fish some of the deeper pools around Ecclestone…


Mr Fish

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