
Big Grayling - Attempt No 6

Bit of a wasted day really today. I travelled about 75 miles across North Wales intending to fish various stretches of the River Dee but all bar one stretch were packed with fly fisherman. It was like they were the 49ers panning for gold round Bala there were that many people in the river....

I've never had much luck following anyone down a pool when Czech nymphing unless the first angler is salmon or dry fly fishing. All the articles say that Grayling are the most tolerant of the game fish but I've found that they either have it in the first three casts or not at all. I only fished one stretch as a result and the water is still too high - today should be nominated "Excuses day"!

Not a touch or sight of any life at all despite giving my heaviest Hydrowhatsit and Racothingamys a good swim through. About 1.5 hours fishing and 4 hours driving. I'll definitely wait until the level counter suggests good fly water before making the trip again.

Another grueller of sorts then...


Mr Fish

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