
Big Catfish - Attempt No 3 (Grimsditch Mill Pool)

Same venue; same swim but a change of plan. Sod the eels - I can put up with losing a python hell bent on sliming and eating me on the bank in the middle of the night - the wire is history and all the rods have been changed over to catlink traces. I've rigged up with ceramic run rings; slightly heavier leads so they don't move when line is taken and the bobbins are extra light and on the floor before anything running feels the baitrunners on the very lightest setting. I've also brought a box stuffed full of high strength lager to liven things up; not really.....I'll make do with tons of worms (dendros) to see what's lurking out there.

Three rods again - leeches; sardine head and a monster ball of worms on a size 4 raptor. The response is quick in the form of a 4oz bream on the worms on a meathook!

He's quickly swapped for the sardine and we've now a livebait in the strike zone. Next is an 8oz tench on the worms - surely these can't have been picking up the sardines?

A very dark bream of 1lb follows (Stunted?) and that's the pattern for the night. Worms = action but not from catfish or eels. There's one violent pull on the leeches under a margin bush in the very early hours but no cats. If I can fool a small tench, then the Mr Fish Theory is that it will fool a cat or eel so they just can't be in the swim or feeding. New swim or venue needed me thinks but I did here a big crash and maybe a tail slap at 3am over open water - am I going mad and trying to talk my sleep starved head into some optimism. Best to be sure and have one more go here...


Mr Fish

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