
Big Grayling - Attempt No 2 (River Dee)

Right, off we go to the Dee again, this time with slightly better weather and more of a plan of action. It's Czech nymphs again, though I've never caught anything on them, even when fishing for trout on the Dove where I've done pretty well on the dry.

Lots of tangles; difficulty to get the hang of not casting and again a total lack of action. Bugger me, this is rubbish. I fish two complete stretches hard and not even a nudge. Pink nymphs; hypo, gastro-sawyer whatever their names are, it doesn't seem to matter as the fish aren't having it. Plenty of salmon moving and one's caught from one of the main pools as I'm leaving. More revision required to sort this out - 2 DVD's on their way from Sportfish which will hopefully do the trick...

For now, another blank racked up....

Mr Fish

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